As You Continue to Walk in the Forest You Come to a Field Describe the Field
This author is fascinated by psychology and loves seeing what various personality tests can reveal about our inner selves.

Studies in psychology suggest that no two people in the world have the exact same personality. A personality is what we use to describe a person's behavior. Behaviors may be introverted or extroverted, and personality tests were devised to collect principal data about a person's observable behavior.
The first personality tests appeared in the 1920s and were intended to aid in personnel selection, particularly in the military. Since then, a number of personality tests have been developed and optimized for different purposes. Some of these—such as the MBTI and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter—really can help people understand themselves better, but others are made just for laughs.
While the first personality tests were developed as diagnostic tools, the majority of personality tests today are simply seen as fun. Does figuring out which Lord of the Rings character you are have any real bearing on your life? No. But it's a fun way to spend a few minutes. So while personality tests can be helpful for getting a general idea of who you are as a person, they should be taken with a grain of salt (maybe a whole shaker, sometimes).
The Cube Personality Test
All that said, allow me to guide you through my version of the Cube Personality Test. It's important that you describe whatever comes to your mind first for each question. I also recommend writing your answers down so that it's easier to figure out your results at the end (and harder to waffle about your answers or change them for a result that you prefer!).
Please follow these steps in order and try to be as honest as you can.
- Think of an open field. How big is this field? What is it filled with? What are the surroundings like?
- Think of a cube. How big is the cube? What is it made of, and what is the surface like? What color is it? Where in the field is it? Where is the cube (e.g. on the ground, floating, etc.)? Is it transparent? If so, can you see inside?
- Think of a ladder. How long is this ladder, and where is this located in your field? What's the distance between the ladder and the cube?
- Think of a horse. What color is the horse? What is the horse doing, and where is it in relation to your cube?
- Think of flowers. Where are the flowers in your field, and how many are there?
- Think of what the weather in the field is like. Is it raining? Sunny? Is your field foggy?
- Think of a storm. What is the distance between the storm and the cube? Is it a big storm? Is it just passing through?
How to Interpret Your Vision
Now that you have a clear picture of your field and everything in it, it's time to see what it says about who you are! Below, you will find sections corresponding to each element in your vision (e.g. field, cube, etc.). Scan the tables for your answers!
Note: If none of the options below feel quite right, choose the closest match.
1. The Field
The field represents your mind. Its size is the representation of your knowledge of the world, and how vast your personality is. The condition of the field (dry, grassy, or well-trimmed) is what your personality looks like at first glance.
Field Condition | Interpretation |
Dry and Dead | You are feeling pessimistic. |
Grassy and Healthy | You are feeling optimistic. |
Well-Trimmed | You are analytical and cautious. |

Is your cube hollow? Colorful? Textured?
Photo by dimas aditya on Unsplash
2. The Cube
The cube represents you. The size of the cube is your ego. The surface of the cube represents what is visibly observable about your personality, or maybe it is what you want others to think about you. The texture of the cube (e.g. smooth, rough, bumpy, etc.) represents your nature.
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Cube Texture | Interpretation |
Smooth | You are a gentle person who takes care not to hurt others or make them feel uncomfortable. |
Rough | You are more straightforward. You tend to be honest in everything you say, no matter how it might affect the person you're talking to. |
Bumpy or Spiky | You have a tendency to criticize others in an attempt to make them feel inferior to you. |
The color of the cube is a more in-depth analysis of yourself. Each color can represent an emotion, or an entire personality altogether. However, these are the most common:
Cube Color | Interpretation |
Red | You are physically active and enjoy rich sensory experiences. |
Yellow | You are sociable and cherish your individuality. |
Blue | You are intelligent and respect others' ideals. |
Violet | You are intelligent and a bit of a perfectionist. You are also mysterious. |
Grey | You are self-confident, independent, and not easily rattled. |
Black | You have a strong sense of individuality and independence, and you put a high value on alone time. |
White | You are kind, independent, and self-reliant. |
Other Cube Characteristics
In some cases, the physical characteristics of the cube are unique;
- A cube with a transparent surface means you tend to let others know how you feel on the inside. You are confident enough to show your inner thoughts, and you are deeply sincere. You know that you are good inside, and guess what—it shows! That's what most people see in you as well.
- A cube made out of water or ice indicates that you let external elements influence you completely. Your personality is sensitive to social pressure, relationships, and other environmental factors.
- A hollow cube means that you are primarily concerned with your outside appearance, with far less care for what's going on within. However, this does not mean that you have nothing to offer on the inside.
- A cube made out of metal or rock indicates that you have solid integrity. Your personality is so strong that it cannot be bent or influenced by any external force. You are dominant and consistent.
3. The Ladder
The ladder represents two different aspects of your life—your goals and your friendships. First, let's look at what the ladder says about your goals.
Ladder Length | Interpretation | Ladder Distance | Interpretation |
Short | Your goals are realistic and simple. | Near | You are putting maximum effort and focus into achieving your goals. |
Long | Your goals are more far fetched and difficult to attain. | Far | Your aren't putting much thought or effort into achieving your goals. |
Now, the location and material of your ladder can also tell you how close you are with your friends. You guessed it—the closer the ladder is to the cube and the stronger the ladder is, the better it is for your friendships!
Ladder Distance | Interpretation | Ladder Material | Interpretation |
Near | If your ladder is near the cube, you are very close with your friends. If it's actually leaning on the cube, it means your friends can lean on you for support. | Strong | The stronger the material (e.g. stone, metal, etc.), the stronger the bond! |
Far | You have a hard time opening up to people and letting them get close to you. | Weak | A weak ladder indicates a weak bond between you and those around you. |

Is your horse standing calmly or kicking up its hooves?
Photo by Oscar Nilsson on Unsplash
4. The Horse
The horse represents your ideal partner. It could be playing, running around, or grazing right next to your cube or clear across the field.
Horse's Activity | Interpretation | Horse's Color | Interpretation |
Playing | Your ideal partner doesn't take life too seriously and or get bogged down by the little stuff. | Brown | You prize comfort and reliability above all else. Otherwise, you don't have a specific set of expectations for your partner. |
Running | Your ideal partner will respect your space and give you the alone time that you crave. | Black | Your idea partner is dominant, seductive, and sophisticated. |
Sleeping or Grazing | Your ideal partner is calm and fully committed to you. | White | You value loyalty and trust more than anything else in a relationship. |
If your horse is a completely different color than the ones listed above (think Wizard of Oz), it means you value originality and independence in a partner. You want to be with someone who fascinates and challenges you.
One more factor to consider about the horse is its distance from the cube. If it's very near the cube, it indicates that you prefer relationships where you spend most of your time with your partner. If the horse is a bit further away from the cube, it indicates a need for a partner who will understand and accommodate your desire for alone time.

Is your field bursting with flowers or are there just a few?
Photo by Dorné Marting on Unsplash
5. The Flowers
The flowers represent your family and friends. The number of flowers reflects your popularity, and their location indicates how close you are with your social groups.
Number of Flowers | Interpretation |
Just a Few | You are close with your family and have a small, tight-knit group of friends. |
They're Everywhere! | You're a social butterfly! With family and friends too numerous to count, you'll never be lonely. |

Is your field cloaked in mist or bathed in sun?
Photo by Dallas Reedy on Unsplash
6. The Weather Condition
The weather in your field reflects your general outlook on life. There's a reason we have expressions like, "When it rains, it pours!"
Weather | Interpretation |
Rain | Rain symbolizes the problems in your life; the harder the rain, the bigger the problems. |
Fog | You feel uncertainty in life and may be struggling with your identity. |
Wind | Though you tend to worry about future issues, you generally don't let them get you down for long. |
Sun | You are optimistic and carefree! |

Is the storm off in the distance or raging all around you?
Photo by Jonas Kaiser on Unsplash
7. The Storm
The strength and position of the storm reflect the stress you're feeling in life. As you probably guessed, the stronger the storm and the closer to the cube, the higher your stress level! If you imagined a storm raging right above your cube, it might be a good idea to work on reducing stress in your daily life.
Storm Intensity | Interpretation | Storm Location | Interpretation |
Mild (Just Passing Through) | While you aren't immune to stress, you know that all things must pass. | In the Background | Any obstacles that might be causing you grief are not at the forefront of your mind. You are good at managing your anxiety. |
Strong (In the Eye of the Storm) | When you stress, you go all in and have a very hard time pulling yourself out again. | Right Above Your Cube | You are deeply affected by stress and have a hard time seeing past it to get back to the bigger picture. |
So, Who Are You?
This test is my modified version of an older personality test and is a little bit more in-depth. Some versions have you imagine a desert rather than a field, and others see the flowers as your children (i.e., the more flowers you imagine, the more kids you want—yikes!).
While this test is more for fun than anything else, it should still help you understand a little more about yourself. Some answers may be more unique than what the interpretations here provide for. In this case, you can try your best to find the closest approximation, or you can do a little interpreting of your own.
In the end, one of the great things about personality tests is their ability to get you thinking. So don't worry if the answers you get here don't feel super accurate. As long as they get you to reflect on what would feel accurate—on who you feel you are—it will have been a success.
© 2013 Romeo Antolin
Roman on September 01, 2020:
i only did it because my gf made me...
Kyla on August 25, 2020:
Not bad
Anomaly on August 24, 2020:
Am i something?
lexi on July 19, 2020:
wow thank you
marie valle on July 19, 2020:
thank you so much!
Belinda Avila on April 25, 2020:
I worked for the DFS after being honorably discharged from the military. It was apparent to me that males who grew up without fathers were more aggressive & did not take well to authority. As civilians, they were prone to be dead beat dads.
Sophia on March 21, 2020:
Thank you for wonderful article
Edward on March 19, 2020:
What does it mean when my horse is eating the flowers?
Ravi Verma on March 01, 2020:
Damn.... didn't thought that such simple things affect life in such larger ways.. I must say, Your test is 110% right for me.
Logan Jones on December 06, 2019:
I am going to do this on my classmates
Ashley on October 28, 2019:
It's a vast Field, full of flowers, small berry bushes, a few trees. With some close enough to make a hammock. It's twilight.
The cube is floating, it has vines growing on it that trail down and it's rather large. Like a floating loft space.
A ladder, an old wooden one with some simple designs notched into its surface. It's leaning against the cube as another way up.
There's a beautiful dapple grey horse drinking out of a pond that's a not too far from the cube.
There are flowers all over. There aren't many places they aren't. I even have some in my hands and in my hair. Roses, gerbera daises, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, azaleas, wild flowers.
It's a clear, twilight night/day. There are stars visible but the low light from the sun still makes it easy to see.
A storm passed through earlier leaving everything fresh and clean, I can still hear the thunder and see the lightning as it leaves. It was pretty strong so there's some branches down but it's still a lovely setting. I don't want to leave.
Aoi on October 05, 2019:
Grassy field stretching out into the distance. Grass goes up to my hips, healthy. The cube is small and orange I'm holding it in my hand. It's smooth and temperature less.The ladder is right behind me and it stretches up into the sky. It's made of strong wood.The horse is dark grey, kind of just standing in the distance. The storm is in the distance .its windy and the clouds are violet blue fuchsia, the sky is indigo and the sky is full of stars.
Shyanne on September 02, 2019:
I'm in a desert.
I see a holographic, translucent, geometric cube, rotating in a harmonistic flow, and gravitating from the ground. If I touch this cube I can see the waves that would ripple through it, reflecting all the different colours. There is a ladder and it's placed inside the cube. It's iron, solid strong structure, as it lays diagonally from one side to the next. It's a teeny ladder and it looks like it's from another dimension. Next I see a white horse, it's sitting a bit in the distance. Contently, gracefully, all majestic and beautiful. A storm comes and not much is disrupted. The horse remains in the same comfort and contentment whilst drinking the rain water from a puddle. There is beautiful magnetic lighting taking place. A sense of calm and beauty in all of the chaos. There are beautiful flowers growing on a cactus, one is most distinct and the rest there are a few just spread out from here and there.
... on August 25, 2019:
wide open grass field, blue skies all round. large glass cube floating above the ground bout 10m away and its fogged up so you can't really see through. wooden ladder leaning against the top of the cube. A brown horse is standing nearby. Little yellow flowers everywhere. white clouds way off in the distance.
god on August 13, 2019:
god is good god is great
Bruh moment on August 12, 2019:
Bruh moment
pp ard boi on August 12, 2019:
why ma broter pp ard wen my pp ard nd ma moter pp ard
Allison on July 25, 2019:
Twilight!!!!!! That is the only field I could think of. Lol
Sara on May 30, 2019:
I think this test hasn't got a means
Hi on May 26, 2019:
Mine was healthy grass, in cloudy place, windy, smooth white cube on the ground, tall ladder leaning against it, tiny flowers against the cube, brown horse running a few meters away from the cube, huge storm in a distance
Ollie on April 06, 2019:
Honestly, I didn't think that any of this was correct. None of the results were true or even relatively close. No offense to whoever came up with this, but I don't find it very reliable.
eeeeeeeee on March 26, 2019:
Zoë on March 16, 2019:
The weather was cloudy, in a big,brown-gold,dead looking wheat field with a couple of flowers dotted around here and there,looking just as dead as the field itself,with a white cube floating in the distance.
A brown horse,grazing near the cube.
A steel ladder leaning on the cube.
A wild storm approaching,but only looming in the distance, with lightning fanning out in all directions.
My brain is a wierd place.
Lori Moore on February 24, 2019:
Wow, red smooth cube. Grassy field with streams on one side & mountains in the distance. Ladder- short, to cross the stream; My white horse is grazing with long tail & mane blowing in the wind; my fields is so full of flowers that it moves in the wind like wheat; I have sunshine in my field with a darker sky in the distance on the mountain top; there is a summer storm that came & went- now the birds are singing... Guess I am in pretty good shape emotionally & spiritually.
Kyle on February 12, 2019:
I imagine a dry grassland with a big blue smooth cube with a big wooden ladder leading on the cube a white horse standing there and I saw like a medium size garden of flowers and there was a huge storm
mirella on November 13, 2018:
This test came to me like in 2009 - 2010, from someone who was coming from Japan. I am surprised that you say you have invented it.
Coco on November 03, 2018:
huge desert
smooth golden cube, can stand on it easily
(golden) ladder that ascends to the sky on the cube
white horse standing about 15 meters away from the cube, standing still but looking in my direction? horse stands on a green place (kinda like an oasis in the desert)
quite a few flowers around the horse (too many to count but not that crowded)
place is kinda sunny but a huge storm is seen in the horizon, slowly closing in from every direction.
Michelle de Beer on November 01, 2018:
Huge, green field with little pink flowers strewn all-over, under a sunny sky.
My cube is medium-sized, smooth, black like marble.
I cannot see the end of the ladder, it is on the left of said huge, green field.
My horse is mostly white with a black back, and ombre downward spots.
He is grazing on the long green grass, and is standing towards the front left of my huge, green field.
Stan on October 24, 2018:
My cube was a Rubic Cube... all answers applied. :-)
Audrenna on September 03, 2018:
The field was a huge expanse underneath a swirling, foggy sky. It was surrounded on all sides with woods, and my cube was small, blue, and somewhat translucent. I imagined it to look quite like the tesseract from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My horse was brown and grazed quietly on the long, green grass. There were no flowers, but the wind rippled amongst the grass like waves in a sea.
Carl on August 04, 2018:
My cube was floating in the air, and iridiscent in colour. The fkd up part is that my horse was a white rocking horse.... The field was barren and extended to the horizon. Stormy with tornados. Flowers all had thorns. :S Hectic
Heihei on August 04, 2018:
what does it mean if the horse is standing above the cube?
kelly on June 14, 2018:
sunny day, grassy medow, horse playing/running around the trees outside the edge of the meadow just in view, daisies, in groups spaced out reachable but not near my small ice cube.
Yeha on May 17, 2018:
Standing horse.
Grace on February 26, 2018:
I imagined a dead horse... The field is covered in dead wheat, extreme winds, a small ladder all rusted next to an old, worn buliding block, and a dead, black horse. Well, that is lovely.
Praveen kumar on February 17, 2018:
Very nice n interesting
febe on February 05, 2018:
I really enjoyed this test, mostly in line and I had 3 of my friends take it , they liked test too
gigi on September 17, 2017:
Well thanks for nothing
Kevin on September 04, 2017:
My horse was walking calmly, but I guessed that meant "other".
Valsi on June 08, 2017:
Horses usually stand. They don't lie down very often, yet a standing horse wasn't a choice.
Lol on January 07, 2017:
Lol I have no clue what I have it was mostly on the other option
Romeo Antolin (author) from Philippines, Asia on September 19, 2014:
Thank you for the hundreds who participated, interesting results so far! I hope I can use this data to create better tests in the future. :)
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on September 17, 2014:
So interesting and I enjoyed playing along.
Biocurious World on July 20, 2014:
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