Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Xbox 360 Review
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Xbox 360 Review
Cops return to the series that started information technology all. Has Criterion rescued this franchise?
For years many people have believed that the Need for Speed series was going downhill. What was once a must buy serial has become a look and see franchise whenever it releases a new game. EA appears to take recognised this trend and has started to take steps to rectify information technology. The first indication of this was the significantly different Need for Speed Shift last yr that was built to take on games such as Gran Turismo. However, in 2010 we have a completely different game again; one which heralds back to the days where Need for Speed was THE racing series, and this is a adept affair.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit every bit the proper noun implies returns the series to the cops versus phelons gameplay that made some of the concluding generation games so popular. It'due south one thing to race hot and exotic cars together, but add the law enforcement attribute and the game becomes all the more thrilling and enjoyable to play. The all-time way to describe Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is a game of two halves; the cops and the phelons.
Benchmark Games is the developer behind this latest game and considering their pedigree in Burnout, it is of no surprise to us that the game focuses on speed and thrilling chases. At whatsoever betoken in the game yous can choose to take on a law enforcement mission or try and outrun the cops with the level of your constabulary and phelon character stored individually. It is entirely possible to 'finish' the constabulary side of the game before fifty-fifty taking a spin on the other side of the constabulary and it is this flexibility that makes the game and then outgoing. If you lot get stuck on a race, just try another one.
The progression is modelled very much in the same way as Burnout Paradise. At any time a number of races are nowadays on the screen for you to cull from and you win either a golden, silvery or bronze medal in each race depending on how you perform. Bated from, this game also introduces a bounty system where yous win points for taking out cops, taking down an opponent or but driving well. This bounty is used to unlock new cars and equipment and is used to determine your career progression and level.
The racing itself is fast, very fast. Initially the cars you get access to handle similar boxes, merely afterwards a few hours once you lot take unlocked some of the exotics the game starts to come into its ain and you volition exist globe-trotting and throwing that machine around corners like a professional. The racing when the law are involved is in a word, commotion. Non just do you lot take to worry well-nigh chirapsia your opponents, only you are constantly being harassed past the constabulary in numerous ways; spike strips, helicopter chases and even EMP blasts which tin can render your car useless in an instant.
Notwithstanding, this is where the main problem with the game starts to rear its head. It has safe band AI. For those who don't know what that means, basically, no affair how well you drive and how often the AI crashes, they volition ever be behind you lot. We can understand why EA did this; they wanted thrilling racing all the time, but the showtime time you lose a race due to a last corner crash, you will want to smash your controller into many piddling bits, specially considering the length of some of the races.
The tracks in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit are not circuits; instead they are point to point races in the fictional Seacreast County. This once again is a tribute to the fashion Need for Speed was built in its early days and works well.
The tracks do feature shortcuts, although not all of them are good with some taking yous on the long way around. Unfortunately yous take to learn which ones are the hard way.
Visually the game is a bit of a mixed purse. When compared to some of the blockbuster titles of this generation, it doesn't compare, however the cars practise expect quite good given the speed and framerate of the title (which doesn't baulk fifty-fifty with crazy amounts of activity on screen).
The cars will take impairment, just near of information technology is corrective. However, if you practise make up one's mind to trash your car the game will end and you will fail, and then damage is not entirely something you lot can ignore.
EA has included something called Autolog which is a fancy way of proverb friend leaderboards. Every time you start a race, if someone on your friends listing has gear up a time, it will tell you what the best time was and you can attempt to beat it. If you practise and so you tin even transport a bulletin to your friend with some smack talk attached.
On paper it doesn't sound that interesting, but it has the 'Geometry wars' result of continuously trying to go faster than each other. As well every bit this, online racing against each other is available and offers matchmaking.
Need for Speed was a franchise in problem. Whilst Demand for Speed Shift did exercise some things differently, it had a lot of issues. EA potentially had the perfect solution correct under their nose with the Burnout developers and there is no incertitude some of that Exhaustion magic has been put into this title.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit returns the series to its roots and is the best Demand for Speed release for this generation of consoles. Catch your keys and become ready to race.
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