Dollar Store Activity Supplies You Need to Buy

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Ready to make some awesome activities on the inexpensive side?

one. Kids activities do not need to cost a lot of money.

2. Kids activities practise non need to look like they came out of Kids Activity Mag (does that exist?).

three. Y'all don't need a bunch of stuff to practise awesome kids activities.

four. I really don't take a number four but I started to write the sentence and at present I really don't want to go back and abandon the number four send. Oh well.

We tin make the most of our activities dollars with a these dollar store activity supplies – zilch fancy, no frills, simply the fun.

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler
My daughter playing with a dollar store made sensory bin!

Yous don't need to go bankrupt looking for fun!

The truth is, our kids don't need all the bells and whistles that nosotros love to requite them. Unproblematic toys, piece of cake activities, open-ended play opportunities – these are what our kids need.

And frankly, nosotros can get a lot of fun from only the dollar store…

I took in $ten and left with so much more!

Here'south what I did – I went to my local dollar store to see what amazing dollar shop activeness supplies I could find – and boy did I find some gems!

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

The rundown on what I got:

  • "Sensory bin" aka a kitty litter pan that is the perfect size
  • Rice
  • Rocks
  • Shredded newspaper
  • Ice cube tray (this is a two pack)
  • Handbag of farm animals
  • Bag of dinosaurs
  • Cookie sheet
  • Tongs
  • Dice

And here'south what I did with information technology…

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

A "bones" sensory bin (six times over!) – I say "bones" because sensory bins are anything but "basic". Kids love them!

This one has 6 variations: rocks or newspaper or rice and farm animals or dinosaurs. I know it sounds like the same thing over and over, but it'south non! Only varying up the materials starts a whole new level of play.

RELATED: Here's how I taught my kids to keep sensory bins tidy.

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

See how different rocks and subcontract animals is than rice and dinosaurs?

It'due south a whole dissimilar imaginary play opportunity changing the fix this mode!

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Rescue the animals bin – You can practise this one 6 different ways as well. Just dump your base into the bin, add together animals, an ice cube tray and tongs. Fourth dimension to rescue the animals!! My girl could play this on repeat (actually she does – she'southward always playing this!).

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Make a sorting bin – Turn an ordinary sensory bin into a sorting bin past mixing both sets of animals with whatsoever sensory base of operations. Add in tons (always) and use both ice cube trays for a infinite to sort into.

RELATED: Here are my favorite sorting activities for toddlers .

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Roll & Count – Here'due south a fun math activity that is so easy! Whorl two dice. Have your child count out the start gear up of rocks in the top row and the second in the lesser. Then, count them together. This is an early addition activity but I don't phrase it like that.

This isn't most calculation or memorizing math facts. This activity is about counting one grouping of objects, counting a second set of objects, and joining those groups together to make a larger grouping. That'southward the concept I want my kids mastering.

RELATED: Want to know more than nearly how I teach my kids at home? Check out Playing Preschool: my home preschool program.

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Whorl & Compare – Number sense is and so important for kids, and it's and then much more than simply counting from retentiveness. Hither'south a great way to work on value. Accept your child whorl ii die. Count out that many farm animals for the first die, and that many dinosaurs for the second dice.

Compare. Which is more than? Which is less?

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Sorting – I love a good sorting activity because sorting is so important! When a child is sorting, they are analyzing data, collecting data, and comparing attributes. Sorting is such a powerful skill.

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Patterning – Take those sorted groups of rocks and use them to make patterns in your ice cube trays (these trays sure come up in handy, huh?).

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Counting – Here's an easy manner to do counting and to see the numbers grow right before you lot.

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Alphabet Matching – I cheated a piddling and grabbed my Sharpie marker! I wrote the alphabet on the cookie sheet and onto the rocks. These rocks can be subconscious anywhere and matching them upward doesn't get old!

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Counting Rocks – Flip the cookie sheet over and I wrote out the numbers 1-10. This is a simple counting action, only I also simply know that having these numbers on this cookie canvas will come in handy!

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler

Dollar store activity supplies are fantastic!

What an easy style to make up so many activities for our kids. Grabbing supplies at the dollar store is a quick and easy fashion to create a whole lot of kids activities!

Remember – our kids don't need fancy or expensive. They but need means to play.

What kind of activities tin can you make?

DOLLAR STORE ACTIVITY SUPPLIES: What should you buy at the dollar store? Here are 15+ kids activities you can make with just supplies from the dollar store; easy indoor activities; sensory bin activities; sorting activities; math activities for preschoolers from Busy Toddler


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