Name of Slides for Draws
- Basic
- Custom Placement
- Extra Actions
- Render in current dom
- Submit form in drawer
- Preview drawer
- Multi-level drawer
- Presetted size
A panel which slides in from the edge of the screen.
When To Use#
A Drawer is a panel that is typically overlaid on top of a page and slides in from the side. It contains a set of information or actions. Since the user can interact with the Drawer without leaving the current page, tasks can be achieved more efficiently within the same context.
Use a Form to create or edit a set of information.
Processing subtasks. When subtasks are too heavy for a Popover and we still want to keep the subtasks in the context of the main task, Drawer comes very handy.
When the same Form is needed in multiple places.
import React, { useState } from 'react' ; import { Drawer, Button } from 'antd' ; const App: React. FC = ( ) => { const [visible, setVisible] = useState ( false ) ; const showDrawer = ( ) => { setVisible ( true ) ; } ; const onClose = ( ) => { setVisible ( false ) ; } ; return ( < > < Button type = "primary" onClick = {showDrawer} > Open </ Button > < Drawer title = "Basic Drawer" placement = "right" onClose = {onClose} visible = {visible} > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } ; ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
Use a form in Drawer with a submit button.
import { Drawer, Form, Button, Col, Row, Input, Select, DatePicker, Space } from 'antd' ; import { PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons' ; const { Option } = Select; class DrawerForm extends React.Component { state = { visible: false } ; showDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: true , } ) ; } ; onClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: false , } ) ; } ; render ( ) { return ( < > < Button type = "primary" onClick = { this .showDrawer} icon = { < PlusOutlined /> } > New account </ Button > < Drawer title = "Create a new account" width = { 720 } onClose = { this .onClose} visible = { this .state.visible} bodyStyle = { { paddingBottom: 80 } } extra = { < Space > < Button onClick = { this .onClose} > Cancel </ Button > < Button onClick = { this .onClose} type = "primary" > Submit </ Button > </ Space > } > < Form layout = "vertical" hideRequiredMark > < Row gutter = { 16 } > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "name" label = "Name" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please enter user name' } ] } > < Input placeholder = "Please enter user name" /> </ Form.Item > </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "url" label = "Url" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please enter url' } ] } > < Input style = { { width: '100%' } } addonBefore = "http://" addonAfter = ".com" placeholder = "Please enter url" /> </ Form.Item > </ Col > </ Row > < Row gutter = { 16 } > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "owner" label = "Owner" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please select an owner' } ] } > < Select placeholder = "Please select an owner" > < Option value = "xiao" > Xiaoxiao Fu </ Option > < Option value = "mao" > Maomao Zhou </ Option > </ Select > </ Form.Item > </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "type" label = "Type" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please choose the type' } ] } > < Select placeholder = "Please choose the type" > < Option value = "private" > Private </ Option > < Option value = "public" > Public </ Option > </ Select > </ Form.Item > </ Col > </ Row > < Row gutter = { 16 } > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "approver" label = "Approver" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please choose the approver' } ] } > < Select placeholder = "Please choose the approver" > < Option value = "jack" > Jack Ma </ Option > < Option value = "tom" > Tom Liu </ Option > </ Select > </ Form.Item > </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < Form.Item name = "dateTime" label = "DateTime" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'Please choose the dateTime' } ] } > < DatePicker.RangePicker style = { { width: '100%' } } getPopupContainer = { trigger => trigger.parentElement} /> </ Form.Item > </ Col > </ Row > < Row gutter = { 16 } > < Col span = { 24 } > < Form.Item name = "description" label = "Description" rules = { [ { required: true , message: 'please enter url description' , } , ] } > < Input.TextArea rows = { 4 } placeholder = "please enter url description" /> </ Form.Item > </ Col > </ Row > </ Form > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } } ReactDOM. render ( < DrawerForm /> , mountNode) ;
.site-form-in-drawer-wrapper { position : absolute; right : 0px; bottom : 0px; width : 100% ; padding : 10px 16px; text-align : right; background : #fff ; border-top : 1px solid #e9e9e9 ; }
Open a new drawer on top of an existing drawer to handle multi branch tasks.
import { Drawer, Button } from 'antd' ; class App extends React.Component { state = { visible: false , childrenDrawer: false } ; showDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: true , } ) ; } ; onClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: false , } ) ; } ; showChildrenDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { childrenDrawer: true , } ) ; } ; onChildrenDrawerClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { childrenDrawer: false , } ) ; } ; render ( ) { return ( < > < Button type = "primary" onClick = { this .showDrawer} > Open drawer </ Button > < Drawer title = "Multi-level drawer" width = { 520 } closable = { false } onClose = { this .onClose} visible = { this .state.visible} > < Button type = "primary" onClick = { this .showChildrenDrawer} > Two-level drawer </ Button > < Drawer title = "Two-level Drawer" width = { 320 } closable = { false } onClose = { this .onChildrenDrawerClose} visible = { this .state.childrenDrawer} > This is two-level drawer </ Drawer > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } } ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
The Drawer can appear from any edge of the screen.
import { Drawer, Button, Radio, Space } from 'antd' ; class App extends React.Component { state = { visible: false , placement: 'left' } ; showDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: true , } ) ; } ; onClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: false , } ) ; } ; onChange = e => { this . setState ( { placement:, } ) ; } ; render ( ) { const { placement, visible } = this .state; return ( < > < Space > < Radio.Group value = {placement} onChange = { this .onChange} > < Radio value = "top" > top </ Radio > < Radio value = "right" > right </ Radio > < Radio value = "bottom" > bottom </ Radio > < Radio value = "left" > left </ Radio > </ Radio.Group > < Button type = "primary" onClick = { this .showDrawer} > Open </ Button > </ Space > < Drawer title = "Basic Drawer" placement = {placement} closable = { false } onClose = { this .onClose} visible = {visible} key = {placement} > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } } ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
Render in current dom. custom container, check getContainer
import { Drawer, Button } from 'antd' ; class App extends React.Component { state = { visible: false } ; showDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: true , } ) ; } ; onClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: false , } ) ; } ; render ( ) { return ( <div className = "site-drawer-render-in-current-wrapper" > Render in this <div style = { { marginTop: 16 } } > < Button type = "primary" onClick = { this .showDrawer} > Open </ Button > </div > < Drawer title = "Basic Drawer" placement = "right" closable = { false } onClose = { this .onClose} visible = { this .state.visible} getContainer = { false } style = { { position: 'absolute' } } > <p > Some contents... </p > </ Drawer > </div > ) ; } } ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
.site-drawer-render-in-current-wrapper { position : relative; height : 200px; padding : 48px; overflow : hidden; text-align : center; background : #fafafa ; border : 1px solid #ebedf0 ; border-radius : 2px; }
- View Profile
- View Profile
Use Drawer to quickly preview details of an object, such as those in a list.
import { Drawer, List, Avatar, Divider, Col, Row } from 'antd' ; const DescriptionItem = ( { title, content } ) => ( <div className = "site-description-item-profile-wrapper" > <p className = "site-description-item-profile-p-label" > {title} : </p > {content} </div > ) ; class App extends React.Component { state = { visible: false } ; showDrawer = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: true , } ) ; } ; onClose = ( ) => { this . setState ( { visible: false , } ) ; } ; render ( ) { return ( < > <List dataSource= { [ { name: 'Lily' , } , { name: 'Lily' , } , ] } bordered renderItem= { item => ( < List.Item key = {} actions = { [ <a onClick = { this .showDrawer} key = { ` a- ${} ` } > View Profile </a > , ] } > < List.Item.Meta avatar = { < Avatar src = "" /> } title = { <a href = "" > {} </a > } description = "Progresser XTech" /> </ List.Item > ) } / > < Drawer width = { 640 } placement = "right" closable = { false } onClose = { this .onClose} visible = { this .state.visible} > <p className = "site-description-item-profile-p" style = { { marginBottom: 24 } } > User Profile </p > <p className = "site-description-item-profile-p" > Personal </p > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Full Name" content = "Lily" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Account" content = "[email protected]" /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "City" content = "HangZhou" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Country" content = "China🇨🇳" /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Birthday" content = "February 2,1900" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Website" content = "-" /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 24 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Message" content = "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." /> </ Col > </ Row > < Divider /> <p className = "site-description-item-profile-p" > Company </p > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Position" content = "Programmer" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Responsibilities" content = "Coding" /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Department" content = "XTech" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Supervisor" content = { <a > Lin </a > } /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 24 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Skills" content = "C / C + +, data structures, software engineering, operating systems, computer networks, databases, compiler theory, computer architecture, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Computer English, Java, ASP, etc." /> </ Col > </ Row > < Divider /> <p className = "site-description-item-profile-p" > Contacts </p > < Row > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Email" content = "[email protected]" /> </ Col > < Col span = { 12 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Phone Number" content = "+86 181 0000 0000" /> </ Col > </ Row > < Row > < Col span = { 24 } > < DescriptionItem title = "Github" content = { <a href = "" > </a > } /> </ Col > </ Row > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } } ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
.site-description-item-profile-wrapper { margin-bottom : 7px; color : rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0.65 ) ; font-size : 14px; line-height : 1.5715 ; } [data-theme='compact'] .site-description-item-profile-wrapper { font-size : 12px; line-height : 1.66667 ; } .ant-drawer-body { display : block; margin-bottom : 16px; color : rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0.85 ) ; font-size : 16px; line-height : 1.5715 ; } [data-theme='compact'] .ant-drawer-body { font-size : 14px; line-height : 1.66667 ; } .site-description-item-profile-p-label { display : inline-block; margin-right : 8px; color : rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0.85 ) ; }
The default width (or height) of Drawer is 378px
, and there is a presetted large size 736px
import React, { useState } from 'react' ; import { Drawer, Button, Space } from 'antd' ; import { DrawerProps } from 'antd/es/drawer' ; const App: React. FC = ( ) => { const [visible, setVisible] = useState ( false ) ; const [size, setSize] = useState<DrawerProps[ 'size' ] > ( ) ; const showDefaultDrawer = ( ) => { setSize ( 'default' ) ; setVisible ( true ) ; } ; const showLargeDrawer = ( ) => { setSize ( 'large' ) ; setVisible ( true ) ; } ; const onClose = ( ) => { setVisible ( false ) ; } ; return ( < > < Space > < Button type = "primary" onClick = {showDefaultDrawer} > Open Default Size ( 378px) </ Button > < Button type = "primary" onClick = {showLargeDrawer} > Open Large Size ( 736px) </ Button > </ Space > < Drawer title = { ` ${size} Drawer ` } placement = "right" size = {size} onClose = {onClose} visible = {visible} extra = { < Space > < Button onClick = {onClose} > Cancel </ Button > < Button type = "primary" onClick = {onClose} > OK </ Button > </ Space > } > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > <p > Some contents... </p > </ Drawer > </ > ) ; } ; ReactDOM. render ( < App /> , mountNode) ;
Props | Description | Type | Default | Version |
autoFocus | Whether Drawer should get focused after open | boolean | true | 4.17.0 |
afterVisibleChange | Callback after the animation ends when switching drawers | function(visible) | - | |
bodyStyle | Style of the drawer content part | object | - | |
className | The class name of the container of the Drawer dialog | string | - | |
closable | Whether a close (x) button is visible on top left of the Drawer dialog or not | boolean | true | |
closeIcon | Custom close icon | ReactNode | < CloseOutlined /> | |
contentWrapperStyle | Style of the drawer wrapper of content part | CSSProperties | - | |
destroyOnClose | Whether to unmount child components on closing drawer or not | boolean | false | |
drawerStyle | Style of the popup layer element | object | - | |
extra | Extra actions area at corner | ReactNode | - | 4.17.0 |
footer | The footer for Drawer | ReactNode | - | |
footerStyle | Style of the drawer footer part | CSSProperties | - | |
forceRender | Prerender Drawer component forcely | boolean | false | |
getContainer | Return the mounted node for Drawer | HTMLElement | () => HTMLElement | Selectors | false | body | |
headerStyle | Style of the drawer header part | object | - | |
height | Placement is top or bottom , height of the Drawer dialog | string | number | 256 | |
keyboard | Whether support press esc to close | boolean | true | |
mask | Whether to show mask or not | boolean | true | |
maskClosable | Clicking on the mask (area outside the Drawer) to close the Drawer or not | boolean | true | |
maskStyle | Style for Drawer's mask element | CSSProperties | {} | |
placement | The placement of the Drawer | top | right | bottom | left | right | |
push | Nested drawers push behavior | boolean | { distance: string | number } | { distance: 180 } | 4.5.0+ |
style | Style of wrapper element which contains mask compare to drawerStyle | CSSProperties | - | |
size | presetted size of drawer, default 378px and large 736px | 'default' | 'large' | 'default' | 4.17.0 |
title | The title for Drawer | ReactNode | - | |
visible | Whether the Drawer dialog is visible or not | boolean | false | |
width | Width of the Drawer dialog | string | number | 378 | |
zIndex | The z-index of the Drawer | number | 1000 | |
onClose | Specify a callback that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button or Cancel button | function(e) | - |
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